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Banda Aceh, Sumatra See all cruises

Banda Aceh is the provincial capital and largest city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra. Banda Aceh is located at the northwestern tip of Indonesia at the mouth of the River Krueng Aceh.

The Grand Mosque, located in the heart of Banda Aceh, is one of the most famous landmarks in the city. The original mosque was built around the 12th century during the Sultanate of Iskandar Muda (1607-1636). It was rebuilt in 1875 after it was burnt down in the Aceh war. The architecture and interior design of the mosque is notable for having seven domes and four smaller towers along with a main tower. The mosque can accommodate up to 9,000 people.

A number of places near to the centre of Banda Aceh have been established as reminders of, and to provide information about, the impact of the December 2004 tsunami in the city.

Things to See & Do

* Masjid Raya Baiturrahman/Grand Mosque
* Cut Nya Dien House
* Gunongan and Taman Putroe Phang
* The Museum Aceh
* Tsunami Tour

General information

Cruise Season - Jan - Dec
Currency - Rupiah (IDR)
Language - Indonesian
Population - 175,000 approx
Electricity - 2 round pins European style
Land Area - 64 km²
Time - GMT plus hours seven hours
International Country Telephone Code - +62

Port Location - Banda Aceh has two sea ports, Pelabuhan (port) Ulèë Lheuë , located in sub-district Meuraksa and Pelabuhan Malahayati (27km from Banda Aceh).

Travel Links - Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport offers daily services between Banda Aceh and either Medan, a 1 hr trip, or Jakarta, a 2 hr 40 minute trip.

There are non-stop night buses, with travel times ranging from 9-13 hours - from Medan to Banda Aceh.