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Bengkulu, Sumatra See all cruises

Bengkulu is a city on the west coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. With a population of 308,756 (2010 Census), the city is the capital and largest city of Bengkulu province.

Bengkulu offers a number of historical buildings, beautiful natural beaches and opportunities for surfing, trekking and diving.

Things to See & Do

* Fort Marlborough
* Thomas Parr Monument
* British Cemetery
* Soekarno House
* Pantai Panjang Beach

General information

Cruise Season - Jan - Dec
Currency - Rupiah (IDR)
Language - Indonesian
Population - 340,000 approx
Electricity - 2 round pins European style
Land Area - 144.52 km²
Time - GMT plus hours seven hours
International Country Telephone Code - +62

Travel Links - There is no direct international flight to Bengkulu; you have to take a flight to Jakarta and then take another flight to Bengkulu. There are daily direct flights (3 times a day) from Jakarta only.

You can catch regular buses from Medan, Padang or Jakarta