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Paraty Brazil See all cruises

Paraty is a preserved Portuguese colonial (1500-1822) and Brazilian Imperial (1822-1889) town. It is located on the Costa Verde (Green Coast), a lush, green corridor that runs along the coastline of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The town is located on the Bay of Ilha Grande, which is dotted with many tropical islands. Rising up as high as 1,300 meters behind the town are tropical forests, mountains, and waterfalls. It is the southernmost and westernmost city in Rio de Janeiro state.

Paraty has become a popular tourist area in recent years, renowned for its historic town and the coast and mountains in the region. Attractions include old churches, cobbled streets, waterfalls, islands and nearby forests.

Things to see and do

* Historic District
* Baroque churches
* Colonial Forts – Forte Defensor & Forte Patitiba
* Casa da Cultura Paraty (House of Culture)
* Waterfalls, islands, forests

Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency – Real (R$) (BRL)
Language – Portuguese
Population – 35,000 approx
Land Area – 928.47 km²
Electricity – 2 perpendicular flat pins USA style
Time – GMT minus three hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 55

Port Location – The port at Paraty is located on the Bay of Ilha Grande.

Transport Links – Paraty can be reached by air from Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo, but only by chartered helicopter or small commercial and private aircraft because it only has a very small airstrip.

Another possibility of transport is to arrive by sea by way of a sailboat or cruise ship from Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis and Ilha Grande.

Paraty is connected by road to Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo (via road BR-101). Air-conditioned buses leave to go back and forth from Rio to Paraty and Paraty to Rio.