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Puerto Princesa, Philippines See all cruises

Puerto Princesa is the capital of the island province of Palawan. It is famous for its crocodile farms, underground rivers and dive spots.

One of Puerto Princesa’s most popular attractions is the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. It is an eight kilometer underground river with crystalline waters and spectacular cave formations. The site was also declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999.

Honda Bay is another popular attraction located just a few minutes north of the city proper. There are dozens of white sand beaches and dive sites.

Things to See & Do

* Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park
* Honda Bay Islands
* Cleopatra’s Needle
* Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center
* Iwahig Penal Colony

General information

Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency – Peso (PHP)
Language – Filipino, English
Population – 215,000 approx
Land Area – 2,539.82 km2
Electricity – 2 round pins European style
Time - GMT plus eight hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 63

Port Location – The port at Puerto Princesa is located approximately 1.5 km from the city centre.

Travel Links – Puerto Princesa is slightly more than an hour away by plane from Manila. Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific and Air Philippines, Zest Air all have daily flights from Manila to Puerto Princesa. Air Philippines and Cebu Pacific also operates flights to and from Puerto Princesa to other major cities such as Davao and Cebu City. SEAIR offers flights from Busuanga Tu/F/Su and El Nido on Tu/F.

SuperFerry and Negros Navigation both have a weekly ferry to Puerto Princesa from Manila. The ferry trip is about 22 hours long.
Milagrosa Shipping has a weekly ferry that sails between Puerto Princesa - Cuyo Islands - Iloilo. It departs Iloilo at 7pm on Thursday, arrives at the Cuyo Islands at 8am Friday, departs Cuyo Islands 3pm Friday and arrives in Puerto Princesa at 8am on Saturday.