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Willis Island, Coral Sea See all cruises

Willis Island is an island in an external territory of Australia, located beyond the Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea some 450 kilometres (280 mi) east of Cairns, Queensland. It is the only permanently inhabited island in Australia's Coral Sea Islands Territory.

The Coral Sea Islands Territory comprises the many small islands spread over a huge sea area of approximately 780,000 sq km, extending east and south from the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef, and include Heralds Beacon Island, Osprey Reef, the Willis Group, and fifteen other reef/island groups.

During the 19th century many ships were wrecked in the area due to constantly shifting sand cays, and the reefs and islands have often been named after the ships which foundered there. They are still uninhabited today, apart from a large population of sea birds, and the occasional meteorologist on Willis Island

Things to See and Do

* Great Barrier Reef
* Fishing
* Island hopping
* Bird watching

Cruise Season – Jan - Dec
Currency – Australian Dollar (AUD$)
Language – English
Population – 3 approx
Electricity – 2 angled pins and 1 flat pin centred below Australian style
Time – GMT plus ten hours
International Country Telephone Code – + 61

Transport Links – The Coral Sea islands are accessible from several major urban centres on the coast including Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton and Gladstone.