Page 10 - Explore Magazine Spring 2017
P. 10
On a Rocky Mountaineer journey from Vancouver to Calgary, Travel Consultant
Nate Beale from GO Holidays samples one of the top rail journeys in the world.
In early 2017 I was fortunate to be included in a hosted journey Rocky Mountaineer offers two levels of service on board the train:
for travel agents by Canada’s world-famous railway company, GoldLeaf Service and SilverLeaf Service. I was in a group seated in
Rocky Mountaineer, on a journey from Vancouver to Calgary via GoldLeaf Service on my first day and my seat well and truly lived
Kamloops, Jasper and Banff. up to expectations: it was a large and extremely comfortable
reclining seat with the extra benefit of being heated. It gave you a
There were agents from Australia, USA, Canada and the UK and lovely snug feeling as the weather was crisp outside.
at the Rocky Mountaineer station in Vancouver we were piped on
board the train by a bagpiper – a unique experience. As we pulled Each GoldLeaf Service carriage has four hosts including an on-board
out of the station we noticed a long line of Rocky Mountaineer culinary team who can tailor-make meals for guests with special
hosts waving goodbye to us and when we arrived at the first requirements or food allergies. Drinks and snacks are served at your
overnight stop at Kamloops there was another group of hosts lined seat and meals are served at two sittings downstairs. The carriage has
up to bid us welcome. a wheelchair hoist and the hotels where GoldLeaf Service guests stay
overnight are likely to have ADA (handicapped-accessible) rooms.