Page 19 - Explore Magazine Winter 2016
P. 19


                                                                         5 Top Spots In South America

                                                                        THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS
                                                                        For extraordinary wildlife that remains totally unfazed by
                                                                        your presence, a powerful connection with the writings
                                                                        of Charles Darwin, and expedition-style cruises that see
                                                                        you waking up to a different landscape and ecosystem
                                                                        every morning, the Galapagos are truly unique.  What’s
                                                                        more, they’re part of Ecuador, which itself offers incredible
                                                                        colonial cities, vibrant Indian cultures in the highlands, and
                                                                        superb Amazonian jungles.

                                                                        THE AMAZON
                       SOUTH                                            Fantastic Amazon experiences can be had in Ecuador, Peru
                                                                        and of course, Brazil. Stay at an ecolodge in amongst it all
                                                                        and take a birds-eye walk on a rainforest canopy walk, or
                                                                        cruise the waterways witnessing life on the river, fishing for
                                                                        piranha and spotting the glowing eyes of the caiman
                   AMERICA                                              MACHU PICCHU AND THE SACRED VALLEY
                                                                        at night!

                                                                        History abounds everywhere in South America, but Peru
                                                                        is a veritable treasure-trove of amazing early Spanish
                        TODAY                                           Colonial architecture and of course the incredible Inca
                                                                        story found at Machu Picchu, the former “Lost City of the
                                                                        Incas”. In Cusco you’ll find colonial architecture built on
                                                                        top of Incan walls. Colourful local culture is everywhere,
                                                                        along with beautiful scenery in the Sacred Valley.
                              with World Journeys
                                                                        LAKE TITICACA
                                                                        This vast alpine lake lies between Peru and Bolivia and
                                                                        you can cruise between the two visiting the floating reed
                                                                        islands of Uros, whose history pre-dates the Incas, and
                South America has never been more accessible, with daily flights from   Taquile Island, famous for its home-made textiles including
              Auckland and regular connections all over the continent – and as lucky Kiwis,   the knitting which is done exclusively by the men of the
                 we don’t need any visas in advance! Furthermore, travelling through    village. The skies are invariably as clear as can be, and the
                South America is a far cry from just a few years ago: transport has vastly   waters an entrancing deep blue.
                  improved and you can choose from boutique family-run hotels to
                             major international hotel chains.
                                                                        BUENOS AIRES
                Broadly speaking, the continent is best visited from April to October. This
               generally means excellent clear weather and little rain in Ecuador, Peru and   We had to include at least one city, but even that is difficult
              Bolivia, and pleasant, less humid weather in Argentina and especially Brazil.   when the competition includes Rio de Janeiro! Buenos
              If you plan to visit the southern region of Patagonia, October to March is best.   Aires is the most elegant and atmospheric of cities, with
                                                                        great food, wonderful wines and fantastic shopping.
               One of the biggest challenges when visiting South America is where to go!     Add to that visits to Eva Peron’s mausoleum, the antique
              It’s a tough call when there are so many iconic highlights on offer. With this in   markets, the tango shows and the colourful architecture
                   mind, World Journeys has put together a list of five top spots –    of La Boca. A bonus right now is that it is highly affordable
                            a great place to start your planning.       due to Argentina’s weakening currency.

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