Page 18 - Explore Magazine Summer 2018
P. 18


          Namibia is not all about          wild and free in their natural environment was   While some of our group opted for a spectacular
                                            a memorable experience. On the way back to
                                                                               hot-air balloon ride over the Sossusvlei Desert,
          wildlife, but if that is on       camp we rounded the corner to find a pop-up   the rest of us explored the towering dunes in the
          your wish list, head for          ice-cream stand in the middle of the desert –   area up close. Walking in to the white expanse of
                                            one of many “wow” moments.
                                                                               the Deadvlei clay pan, we took photos amongst
          Etosha National Park which        After the parched desert it was a delight to   the preserved camel thorn trees, a ghostly
          is home to a myriad of            head for Swakopmund on the rugged Skeleton   reminder of when there once was water here,
          species in a virtual Garden       Coast, five hours’ drive southwest. Remnants of   about 900 years ago.
                                            colonial times here include palm-lined streets,
          of Eden scenario.                 immaculate old buildings, and some fantastic   We also stayed at Wolwedans Dunes Lodge,
                                                                               overlooking a staggering panorama of
                                            German bakeries and cafes! The seafood here is
          Next stop, Damaraland, with its truly   as fresh as fresh gets.      landscapes that changed with every shift
          awe-inspiring desert landscapes. We                                  of the sun. Again, experiencing such luxury
          were privileged to visit a settlement of the   Back into the wilderness, we headed for the   in the absolute middle of nowhere was a
          indigenous Himba people and marveled at   Namibrand Nature Reserve, a five and a half   memorable experience.
          how they have maintained their traditional   hour drive south that was punctuated, like all   Yes, the landscapes and wildlife of Namibia
          way of life in such a harsh environment. Their   the other drives on our journey, with picnic
          version of sunscreen is a mixture of red ochre   stops and visits to small towns. The pristine   were outstanding, but I have to say some of
          and fat which they rub on their skin and along   Namib Desert is vast, with endless horizons,   my absolute highlights were the warmth of the
          with elaborate hairstyles and adornments it   jagged mountains, and the most spectacular   people – buying bread off a woman walking
          creates a very distinctive look.  night sky. Staying at the amazing andBeyond   with a basket on her head miles from any town,
                                                                               and stopping in at a village to engage with our
          Damaraland is also home to rare desert-  Sossusvlei Desert Lodge, we joined the resident   guide’s “Aunty”. A particularly poignant visit
          adapted species of lions, elephants and more,   astronomer to gaze up at the galaxies and   was made to a school, meeting kids getting a
          along with rare black rhinos. An absolute   through the telescope viewed the rings of Saturn   very precious education that had the potential
          highlight was staying at the exclusive Huab   in beautiful clarity.
          Under Canvas camp, seemingly in the middle                           to improve the lives of everyone in their remote
          of nowhere. Here you really feel like you’re in   On the way back to camp   struggling communities.
          the wilderness but enjoy a comfy bed at night,   we rounded the corner to   And then it was time to go, but not without
          delicious home-cooked meals, and even a hot                          memories that are etched forever in my mind. I
          “bucket shower” each evening.     find a pop-up ice cream            have to say that how we travelled and the places
          From here we tracked elusive black rhino with   stand in the middle of   we stayed in were absolutely amazing, as was
          the Save the Rhino Trust team who are leading   the desert – one of many   the guide who accompanied us all the way,
          the charge at preserving this highly endangered                      sharing his passion for his beloved homeland.
          species. To see these magnificent creatures   “wow” moments.         As I said, I’d go back in a heartbeat.

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