Page 15 - Ultimate Journeys 2022
P. 15

Field of Light Voyages, Ayers Rock Resort

       After breakfast, head to the airport where your flight crew will be waiting
       to whisk you to Uluru, the spiritual heart of Australia. Your pilot will do
       a special scenic fly by Uluru and Kata Tjuta to give you a bird’s eye view
       of these magnificent Australian icons. On arrival, transfer to Sails in the
       Desert, home for the next two nights.
       Enjoy a buffet lunch by the pool before an afternoon exploring Kata
       Tjuta. The 36 domes of Kata Tjuta are a sight to behold. Walk through the
       sheer walls of two of the largest domes that make up Walpa Gorge. This
       1.3 kilometre walking trail follows the natural creek and showcases some
       of the unusual rock formations. Along the way your guide will explain
       the geological and cultural history of the area. In the late afternoon,
       experience your first Red Centre sunset. Sip sparkling wine and enjoy
       delicious canapés as the domes of Kata Tjuta change from pink to deep
       red and the sun slowly sinks below the horizon. Return to the hotel and
       freshen up before a two course dinner at Ilkari Restaurant.
       Overnight: Sails in the Desert in a Superior Room                                                          Tourism NT/Rhett Hammerton
       Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Canapés with Sparkling Wine and Dinner

                                                              DAY 5: WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST
                                                              An early start this morning for a breathtaking experience. Travel towards
                                                              Uluru and watch as its vast shape rises from the sand dunes in the early
                                                              dawn light, highlighting its presence in this country. From a special
                                                              location, watch the sun rise over this amazing monolith. See first rays of
                                                              light set the Red Centre alight and the rock formations change colour
                                                              before your eyes while enjoying an outback picnic breakfast. Visit
                                                              Mutitjulu Waterhole on the Kuniya walk and learn the Creation stories
                                                              of Liru, the venomous snake, and Kuniya, the woma python. After this
                                                              short walk, drive around the base of Uluru and hear the story of the Mala
                                                              people before returning to the resort for a two course lunch.
                                                              Late afternoon you’ll be transferred to a remote desert location with
                                                              majestic views of Uluru. As the sun sets on the horizon, enjoy gourmet
                                                              canapés and chilled sparkling wine, and soak up the ambience of your last
                                                              evening in the Red Centre. As darkness falls, watch in awe from the top
                                                              of your private dune as the coloured lights of 50,000 glass spheres gently
                                                              come to life. Join your travelling companions for an exceptional three
                                                              course menu infused with bush tucker flavours. As the night ignites with
                                                              countless stars, settle back and listen to the resident star talker decode
                                                              the southern night sky.
                                                              After dinner, immerse yourself in the stunning art installation, Field of
                                                              Light. Its pathways lit by a spectrum of glowing ochre, deep violet, blue
                                                              and gentle white lights beckon you to explore at your own pace.
                                                              Return to the hotel and reflect on a truly magical evening.
                                                              Overnight: Sails in the Desert in a Superior Room
                                                              Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Canapés with Sparkling Wine and Dinner with
                                                              Premium Beer, Wine and Non-alcoholic Drinks
        A Night at Field of Light, Uluṟu
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