Page 18 - Ultimate Journeys 2022
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       Please read these Booking Conditions carefully as   CANCELLATIONS & REFUNDS  MINIMUM AGE
       they apply to all bookings with Ultimate Journeys by   Prior to Final Payment  The tours featured in this brochure are not suitable for
       GO Holidays.                         Your deposit is forfeited.            travellers under 18 years of age, with the exception of
                                                                                  Christmas in Finnish Lapland.
       HOW TO BOOK                          After Final Payment
       Contact your ATAS travel agent and request a   There will be no refund of your deposit, in addition to   TOUR LEADER
       reservation. All verbal quotes provided are an   any fees imposed by the Supplier, which may be up to   A minimum of one Tour Leader will accompany
       estimate only and subject to change until confirmed   100% of monies paid.  escorted tours provided minimum passenger
       in writing. You will be required to supply your full                       numbers are achieved.
       name, including title, initial and surname as per ID,   AFTER TRAVEL
       any information relating to dietary/mobility/medical   There will be no refund for cancellation once travel   FITNESS TO TRAVEL
       requirements and mobile phone number.   has commenced. There will be no refund for unused   We may require a doctor’s certificate prior to
                                            services.                             confirmation for any traveller with a pre-existing
       PRE-TOUR BOOKING FORM                                                      medical condition or traveller entering their third
       You are required to complete a pre-tour booking form   RESPONSIBILITY      trimester of pregnancy. All travellers must be fully
       before your booking is complete. You will receive the   Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays acts as an   vaccinated for COVID-19 to travel on these tours.
       pre-tour booking form from either us or your Travel   agent for the Suppliers (transport, tour, event or   A reasonable level of fitness is required for some
       Agent. This form requires you to provide essential   accommodation providers) who provide the various   activities on these tours including embarking and
                                            goods and/or services (Products). All bookings are
       information including dietary requirements, mobility   subject to the terms and conditions and limitations   disembarking the aircraft which will be by stairs from
       and medical information.                                                   the tarmac, getting in and out of 4WD vehicles and
                                            of liability imposed by each Supplier. It is therefore
       PRICES & CONDITIONS                  important for you to obtain and read the applicable   coaches, embarking and disembarking boats either
       This brochure was produced on 12 January 2022. The   Supplier’s terms and conditions as they may limit or   from a jetty or beach.
       prices in this brochure are in New Zealand dollars,   exclude their liability to you.  AIRCRAFT SEATING
       unless otherwise specified, and include GST where   In producing this brochure, we have used   The aircraft used on the Discover Australia’s Icons
       applicable. All prices are subject to availability,   information provided by Suppliers. Irrespective of   tour is configured to all business class seating in 12
       subject to change and can be withdrawn or varied   any measures taken by us to ensure the information   rows. Front and exit row seats may be reserved for the
       without notice. Price changes may occur by reason   contained in this brochure is accurate at the time   entire journey for the surcharge outlined in the Price
       of matters outside our control which increase the   of printing, Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays   section of this brochure, subject to availability. A seat
       cost of the Product or Service. Such factors include   disclaims and will be exempt from liability in   rotation plan will apply to all other seats on the aircraft
       (without limitation) adverse currency fluctuations,   respect of anything misleading, false, incomplete   throughout the tour.
       fuel surcharges and taxes. Please check all prices,   or inaccurate and any errors, misdescription and all
       availability, fees, conditions and information with your   associated disappointment, loss, expense, damage,   BONDS
       travel agent before booking.         inconvenience, delay, death, shock, illness or injury,   Bonds or credit card imprints are required by most
                                            however caused.
       All arrangements are subject to availability,                              Suppliers at the time of check-in to cover incidentals
       cancellation, or modification due to inclement   Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays does not control   and fees not included in your holiday cost.
       weather, late running of services or other unforeseen   the manner in which Products featured within   TRAVEL INSURANCE
       circumstances. The travel services provided by the   this brochure are provided. Ultimate Journeys by   We strongly recommend you take out appropriate
                                            GO Holidays disclaims and will be exempt from
       Suppliers are subject to the conditions imposed by   liability for anything to do with the supply of such
       the Suppliers and their liability may be limited by their   Products. This includes liability (whether as a matter   travel insurance to cover your travel arrangements.
       tariffs, conditions of carriage, and agreements.   of contract, tort, statute, restitution, or otherwise)   PRIVACY
       If we must change any part of your booking for   for any direct, indirect or consequential loss,   Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays collects
       reasons beyond our control, for example, an   liability, claim, cost, expense, proceeding, demand,   information about you (including health information
       Accommodation Supplier overbooks accommodation,   penalty, disappointment, death, injury, illness, shock,   where necessary) to provide products and services
       or if there is an increase in taxes or Supplier charges,   inconvenience or delay. This limitation of liability also   to you, process your travel arrangements, facilitate
       we will notify you. If any such changes result in your   applies irrespective of the cause, including negligence   your participation in loyalty programs and conduct
       holiday costing more or otherwise being materially   of us or a Supplier, withdrawal, cancellation or failure   marketing activities and market research. If the
       different from that originally booked, you may cancel   to provide a Product, delay, any variation in the   information is not provided, Ultimate Journeys
       the booking and we will refund any monies already   Product, the provision of substitute Products or a   by GO Holidays may not be able to provide the
       paid less any charges levied by Suppliers.  change in the Supplier. Without limitation, Ultimate   Service requested. Ultimate Journeys by GO
                                            Journeys by GO Holidays will not be responsible if   Holidays may disclose your personal information
       PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE                the Product is not available due to inclement weather   to its related companies, carriers, travel service
       Anything not specifically indicated as being an   conditions or other acts of God, civil disturbances,   providers, organisations which provide services to
       inclusion.                           fire, floods, pandemic, acts of Government or any   Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays (more details are
                                            other authorities, accident to or failure of machinery
       OMISSIONS & ERRORS                   or equipment or industrial action.    available in our Privacy Statement on our website
       While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and                      and various law enforcement agencies, airports and
       currency of the information in the brochure, errors   MAP & IMAGES         governments around the world for security, customs
       or omissions may occur. All errors and omissions   All maps in this brochure are intended as a guide   and immigration purposes. You may gain access to
       identified post the date of publication are notified to   only and are not to scale. They do not necessarily   the information Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays
       our retail partners to advise you. Please check with   reflect actual routings or accommodation or attraction   holds about you by contacting our Privacy Officer in
       your agent for all up-to-date corrections, including   locations. Accommodation room photographs are   writing at 179 Normanby Road, South Melbourne VIC
       prices and inclusions.               representative only and actual rooms occupied may   3205 Australia.
                                            vary in decor and inclusions from those shown.
       DEPOSITS & FINAL PAYMENTS            Some images used in this brochure are supplied   MONIES NOT HELD ON TRUST
       Deposit                              courtesy of tourist bureaus, hotels, tour operators,   All monies paid by you to us will be the property of
       A minimum non-refundable deposit is payable on   Tourism Australia, Tourism and Events Queensland,   Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays and will be a debt
       confirmation of your booking. The amount of deposit   Tourism NT, Tourism Tropical North Queensland,   due and payable to the relevant Supplier (contingent
       required varies for each tour and you should check   South Australian Tourism Commission, Visit Finland,   on availing) once the services to which the money
       with your travel agent before booking. Further   StudioPONANT/Lorraine Turci, Nathalie Michel.  relates have been availed, or the relevant booking
       deposits are required for some tours prior to final   PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS  is cancelled (subject to cancellation fees). You agree
       payment.                                                                   and acknowledge that such monies will not be held
                                            Product descriptions and accommodation ratings   by Ultimate Journeys by GO Holidays on trust for or
       Final Payment                        featured in this brochure are provided by the   on behalf of you, and we may hold such monies in any
       Final payment of your holiday cost varies for each tour   individual Suppliers. Facilities, features or ratings are   account as we see fit, including with our own and/or
       and you should check with your travel agent before   subject to change at any time. You should check at   other customer monies.
       booking. Final payment date will be advised on your   the time of booking for any changes to published
       booking confirmation document.       information of which we may be aware.  GOVERNING LAW
                                                                                  These conditions are governed by the laws of New
       Please ensure payments are made by the due date.   MINIMUM/MAXIMUM NUMBERS  South Wales, Australia and any action arising under
       If this does not happen, our system will automatically   Some tours in this brochure require a minimum   them or in any way connected with a booking may be
       cancel the booking without notice or liability to you.   number of passengers to operate. If minimum
                                            numbers are not achieved, some services may   brought only in a court in New South Wales, Australia,
       CREDIT & DEBIT CARD SURCHARGES       operate on a join-in basis rather than an exclusive   subject to any law which is expressly inconsistent with
       A fee will apply for payments made by debit and   basis, the tour may operate without a guide or it may   this. You acknowledge that you are 18 years of age
       credit cards. Fees may vary depending on card type.   be cancelled. You should check minimum passenger   or older and that you understand and agree with the
       Please check this fee with us or your travel agent   number requirements with your travel agent at the   above terms and conditions and our Privacy Policy.
       when booking.                        time of booking.                      Please read our full booking terms and conditions.

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