Page 35 - Explore Magazine Autumn 2017
P. 35


                                                                The Arctic is a fascinating part of the planet that offers an
          SpiceRoads Cycle Tours has a new addition to its itinerary options:   exciting and dramatic holiday experience. In this immense and
          “The Jewels of Persia by Bicycle”, in Iran.           spectacular wilderness region you are at the mercy of the wind,
                                                                ocean and ice. Australian-based Peregrine Adventures aims to set
          Iran is an emerging destination and one of the top go-to places for   the industry benchmark for minimum environmental impact and
          intrepid adventurers. With a history that spans thousands of years,   the most stringent safety practices.
          Iran boasts fascinating historic sites as well as varied landscapes
          that provide a perfect setting for cycling through this once-  One itinerary option is to explore the wild Canadian Arctic by day
          restricted country.                                   and then come home to a comfortable base at the Arctic Watch
                                                                Wilderness Lodge. Stuated on the northern tip of Somerset Island
          The Jewels of Persia by Bicycle is a 15-day, moderately challenging   on the shores of the Northwest Passage, it is the world’s most
          cycling tour that takes travellers along a beautiful route through   northerly and most remote lodge and a world-class beluga whale
          Central Iran, exploring the country’s cultural heartland and visiting   observation site.
          key historical sites. It begins in Shiraz and ends in the Iranian capital
          of Tehran.                                            This eight-day adventure offers the full Arctic safari experience,
                                                                with guided activities and extraordinary wildlife sightings during the
          The ride is primarily on paved roads but incorporates the variety of   24 hours of summer daylight. After an overnight stay in Yellowknife,
          natural environments the region has to offer including mountains and   fly to Nunavut on Somerset Island and transfer to the lodge.
          hills as well as valley flatlands. There are a few challenging climbs as
          well as some fast, sweeping descents, and a short off-road section.  Each day brings the chance of new wildlife sightings including beluga
                                                                whales, ringed seals, polar bears, roaming musk oxen, Arctic foxes,
          Itinerary Highlights: Beginning the journey in Shiraz, the capital of   snowy owls and more. Learn to drive all-terrain vehicles, try your
          Iranian poetry. Wandering the still-standing ruins of Persepolis,   hand at kayaking among icebergs, navigate the gentle Cunningham
          once the richest city on earth. Strolling through the famous gardens   River rapids on a raft and fish for Arctic char at Inukshuk Lake.
          of Isfahan. Discovering Zoroastrian influences in Yazd. Camping
          underneath the star-filled desert sky for two nights. Gazing in awe at   The Cunningham River estuary is a beluga whale migration site
          the splendor of Persian mosques. Spending two nights in traditional   and so close to the lodge that you can see whales from the
                                                                riverbank. Come home with unique photos and a lifetime of
          caravanserai (travellers’ inns) along the Silk Road.
                                                                stories about the Canadian Arctic.

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