Page 38 - Explore Magazine Autumn 2017
P. 38


                  CASTLES, CHEESE AND

                  AMAZING MEMORIES

            Visits to friends, family memories and sightseeing from London to Ljubljana made for a very memorable
                 eight-week European honeymoon for Karl and Caroline Watson, the son and daughter-in-law
                          of Liz Watts of helloworld Palmerston North, who organised their itinerary.

          “Our European honeymoon started in London where our sightseeing
          included taking in the famous sights of Big Ben and the Tower of
          London from the top of a double-decker tour bus. Our next stop
          was Paris via the Eurostar, a great way to travel. Paris was definitely
          a highlight for us: a very beautiful city with so much to see. One of
          the highlights was visiting the Eiffel Tower early one morning. The
          views from the top were something that everyone who visits Paris
          would enjoy and it was fun taking the stairs inside one of the legs of
          the tower on the way down.
          Next stop was Le Quesnoy, a small town on the Belgian border and
          the scene of a famous event in WW1 when it was liberated by New
          Zealand soldiers. My great-grandfather was one of the soldiers
          involved so it was very special to see the memorial honouring the
          New Zealand troops. The town of Ghent in northwest Belgium was a
          stunning town to visit. We thought it was going to be a bit of a wild
          card but it turned out to be another highlight of our trip, with lovely
          medieval architecture and cathedrals and canals to explore.
          Next was Amsterdam in the Netherlands where we explored the
          city centre by bicycle during the day and walked beside the canals
          at night. Then we flew to Copenhagen where we quickly fell in love
          with the city. The waterfront areas were great to wander around,
          and you shouldn’t forget to see the statue of the Little Mermaid,
          which is so small that we almost missed her!
          Berlin was next, where we met an old school friend who took us to
          Tempelhof field, an old airbase that has been transformed into a

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