Page 10 - Explore Magazine Summer 2018
P. 10


                       ALASKA UP CLOSE

                            AND PERSONAL

           Merilynn Crean, mother of Tracey Bluck at helloworld Mount Maunganui,  enjoyed encounters with raptors,
                     whales, seals and incredible scenery on a seven-night Alaskan Dream small-ship cruise.

          When the Alaskan Dream cruise company   accommodated only 52 passengers and 20   watching whales everywhere, and closer to
          promises “up close and personal” travel   crew we knew immediately that it was going   shore were countless sea otters. We spent
          experiences, it means it. And when you book   to be special. The cabins are on the small   the afternoon ashore at Kake, an Alaskan
          a cruise you don’t expect to go on a tour of   side as you expect on a small ship but they   (Tlingit) native village that is home to 600
          the departure town on the first day, but it   have comfortable beds, ample hot water in   year-round residents who work in the
          proves that an Alaskan Dream experience is   the private ensuite and an outside window.   logging and fishing industries. The Tlingit
          going to be different. We arrived in the town   There is a large lounge and bar area to hang   have inhabited this region for thousands of
          of Sitka in the Alaska Panhandle the night   out in and a separate dining room where all   years and the village boasts a totem pole
          before the cruise and the following morning   meals are taken. And what meals! They start   that is 40m tall. It is a story totem and each
          we were free to wander around.    with a continental breakfast at 6am, a full   figure carved on it represents a story passed
                                            breakfast at 7am, a three-course lunch at   down for centuries. We met a totem carver
          We found the Indian River Trail which is
          the only place in Alaska where you find   12 midday and a five-course dinner with a   who regaled us with stories of the totems
          traditional totem poles – a really interesting   complimentary glass of wine at 6.30pm.        he has carved, the spruce wood that is the
          walk. That was followed by a tour of the main   On the first night the ship cruised through a   main wood for totems and what tools they
          sights in Sitka with Alaskan Dream guides:   network of islands to Saginaw Bay. With the   use. A local dance group then performed
                                                                               a series of dances which of course ended
          don’t miss the Alaska Raptor Center, a bird   sun rising around 3.30am it made it difficult   with the cruise guests joining in for the
          hospital and education facility where you   to sleep and when I got up at 6am and   finale. Alaskan Dream Cruises prides itself
          get to see eagles, falcons, hawks and owls   looked out the window I was rewarded with   on supporting local villages and the cultural
          up close and personal. At 3pm we embarked   the sight of a humpback whale breaching   experiences are an integral part of their
          on our seven-day cruise and as our ship   out of the water. The morning was spent
                                                                               tours and what makes them unique.

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